Wednesday, February 26, 2014

BLOG UPDATE: New name & new look

Hi friends!  

I had neglected my blog for a while and came back and wanted to give it a fresh start and a little makeover!  So first off, I re-titled my blog, it used to be BlissfulPaisley, it is now more reflective of things that interest me and not just a name!

I love peacocks, they are gorgeous!  There colors are just jaw dropping!!!  And they are funny too, have you ever heard the sound they make!  ha ha ha!

And paper, people who know me, know that I am a paper snob, love me some good sturdy cardstock!

And finally ink pads, gotta have something to ink up that paper with!!

So this new blog name fits me, my style to a T!!

And kudos to my girl Vernetta for helping me out with the name, I gave a list of things that interest me and it really was a simple as listing them off, I made finding a blog name too complicated, lol!

Any who, a little bit more about me before my next blog post.  

My name is Kristi, my user name a lot of times is: imkristi2

I am a Christian Thirty-Something, Stay At Home Mom.  
I am married (for almost 15 years) to my awesome husby Dan, and we have 4 kids. 
And we have a dog and cat!
My family!

My hobbies include: card making, stamping, just starting to get into Project Life, so maybe I will document that here if I get the nerve.  We will see.  
Also dabble in the occasionally home DIY projects.

Thanks so much so stopping by and taking the time to read my blog!  
I appreciate each and everyone of you!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the name! LOL glad to help! It fits you and your blog is GORG! I love the colors and tone on tone! Create on girlfriend!


Thank you for taking the time to comment!

I read each and everyone and they bring me joy to read them!

Have a blessed day!!